Rabu, 22 Juni 2016

Cantoloupe & Greek Yogurt Medley

 To enjoy the whole nutrient of any fruit, it needs to be consumed in it’s whole form. I like to have more fresh fruit juices during the summer and especially to counter the humidity here. All you need is light , healthy and quick breakfast along with some refreshing cold beverages to tackle this hot and humid weather at Bhubaneswar. Cantaloupe or muskmelons are perfect summer coolers as it has lots of water content which reduces the body heat during summer. Though one could consume this directly, you could also this to juice, smoothies, sorbet, icecream, soup, desert etc.

Cantaloupe juice is easy to prepare and could be made in minutes  by just adding it to the blender along with some ice cubes and honey or jaggery depending on the sweetness of the fruit and you are ready with this healthy cantaloupe juice. I personally like to eat the fruit instead as it is so juicy.But sometimes I also like to  experiment and loves it .Muskmelons have a classic sweet melon flavor and a smooth texture making it ideal for use in as a puree for sauces and soups, smoothies, milkshakes and lassis. it can be added as cubed or pureed when making sorbet, kheer, cakes, ice cream and puddings.

Muskmelons also known as sweet melon, kharbuja and cantaloupe are botanically known as Cucumis melo and a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. There are approximately ten different commercial varieties of Muskmelon grown in India today such as Kharbuj, Kharbooj and Karbuja. In addition to fresh eating in India the Muskmelon is utilized to produce Muskmelon oil which is used in skincare, for cooking and in naturopathic medicine.( Source:http://www.specialtyproduce.com).Muskmelon has a lot of health benefits like controlling blood pressure, it is high in fibre, reduces body heat and is an anti oxidant.

Recipe type: drinks
Cuisine: world
Prep time:5 minutes
cooking time :5 minutes
serves: 2

  • 1 cantaloupe or muskmelon
  • Sugar or jaggery as required
  • 200 gms fresh greek hogurt
  • a pinch of black salt
  • 1 tsp cardamom powder
  • few cherries to decorate

how to make the recipe:
  • Cut the muskmelon into half. Remove the peel and separate it from the flesh.Discard the seeds. Chop and add in a blender along with sugar or jaggery as per requirement and  the black salt. Blend till smooth without adding water.
  •  Pour the Cantaloupe juice onto individual serving glass Mix the cardamom powder in the greek yogurt and pour over the muskmelon juice.
  • Garnish with Cherries and serve immediately so that  the juice retains it’s freshness.

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