Jumat, 05 Februari 2016


Many of the recipes which I look at to try out at home calls for Cream Cheese,which is never available at the place where I live. This is the reason my Blog never have a Cheesecake recipe, but this time I decided to try my hands on the authentic cheesecake using that cream cheese. So making them at the comfort of my home is the only option I am left with. 
After I made these Cream Cheese at home I felt why have I not tried this earlier. Many of you might be facing the same problem as me and I hope this post of mine would help all those people who always wanted to try making Cheesecake at home but could not do due to non availability of Cream Cheese. All you need is milk, lemon ,yogurt and a few hours. 

Preparation Time : 15 mins
Resting Time : 30 mins + Overnight
Makes : 250 grams of cream cheese
  • 1 Litre Full fat milk
  • 2 tablespoon lime juice
  • 4 tablespoon thick Yoghurt
  • 8 to 10 Ice Cubes
Let's Learn How to do make Cream Cheese at Home
  • In a heavy bottom pan, heat milk on a medium flame stirring continuously. Once milk starts boiling, reduce the heat and gradually add lime juice and stir, you will notice milk has started to curdle.
  • Once milk is curdled, take it off from the stove and immediately add ice cubes.Leave it for 2 to 3 minutes.Line the strainer with muslin cloth.Strain the curdled milk and squeeze to drain the excess water.
  • In a blender, blend together the strained curdled milk and yoghurt till very smooth and soft paste.
  • Line the strainer with muslin cloth and place it over an empty bowl. Transfer the soft paste to it and cover and refrigerate it overnight.You will notice the excess water being drained to the bowl. Discard the water.
  • Scrap the cream cheese from the muslin cloth.
  • Store this cream cheese in an air tight container and use within a week, maximum 10 days.

 Wait for this space for more kitchen basics and till then keep cooking ....

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