Minggu, 16 Agustus 2015

Expresso choco chips Ice cream

A few months back, if anyone would tell me to make ice cream without a ice cream maker , I would have laughed ,but not now......Ice cream has been a weakness for me...I do not need an occasion  and time to have it....but the thought of making it at home with so many flavours seems always a daunting task to me.....so I would buy my bucketful of flavors from the store and keep it the freeze....for relishing whenever I have a mood.  A few days back , while raiding the refrigerator, I found my stock of ice cream have been exhausted......and the nest day I was expecting guest at home.  So what to do.....Luckily I have a can of condensed milk and whipping cream which I had brought from a baking workshop I had attended a few days back in town. 

That day I realized making Ice cream is so much fun.....I would like to share my favorite magic trick in the kitchen: creamy ice cream made with just two ingredient. Yes, that's right — just two  ingredient, and no ice cream maker needed.                                                           

 To make a no churn ice-cream, all you need is a few cups of heavy cream and a can of condensed milk .Whip the cream, fold it into the condensed milk, freeze for a few hours, and you got to eat your sweet ice cream. Condensed milk is a magic ingredient when making no-churn ice cream - the end result will be creamy, smooth and not at all icy.


 With traditional ice cream, you have to make a sweetened base of a cooked mixture of heavy cream and sugar with eggs or corn-starch to help thicken it into a rich custard – which needs to be cooled, then churned in an ice cream maker before freezing. Churning incorporates air and breaks up ice crystals as they form, making the finished ice cream creamy and smooth rather than one icy block.
 Pic courtesty: http://www.icecream.com/

With no-churn ice cream, a can of sweetened condensed milk takes the place of the base and  the whipped cream brings the airy, creamy texture. Fold the two together until they’re just barely combined and you get the exact flavor and texture of ice cream after freezing. It’s creamy, it’s scoopable, it melts on your mouth. I love the combo of chocolate and coffee.

  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1  can condensed milk
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 
  • 3 tablespoons instant coffee
  •  1/2 cup dark chocolate, chopped
Let's learn how to make no churn Expresso choco chips  Ice cream:
  • Pour the  condensed milk into a large bowl.Mix the vanilla extract into the condensed milk.
  • Whip the heavy cream using a hand mixer until it holds stiff  peaks.
  •  Fold the whipped cream into the condensed milk. Continue to fold, till the mixture is smooth , soft and silky. Stop when you see just a few small lumps here and there — be careful not to deflate the mixture too much or over-mix.
  • Stir in the instant coffee powder and the chocolate chips.
  • Spoon the ice cream into a freezer-safe container  using a spatula to scrape all the ice cream base into your freezer container. Smooth the top, then press a piece of wax paper against the surface to prevent ice crystals from forming.
  • Freeze for 4 hours or  preferably overnight to experience rich and creamy ice cream.

Sending this to “Fiesta Friday” ......at http://fiestafriday.net/2015/08/14/fiesta-friday-81/

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